Suddenly everyone renounces the fact that he was talking to Kocner

Uverejnené dňa 28.10.2018

If a person is in a high position, he must be careful in what kind of society he is

Mika 13-year-old photo with Adrianna Sklenaříková, Marian K., Boris Kollar and Monika Beňová from Donová explains that it was a social event for which Sklenařík’s manager had invited him. „If a man is in a high position, he must be careful with the company he is moving in because he can emit it,“ Hrabko said.

Sulik and his breakfast in Kočner

But it is a bigger problem to consider whether a troubled entrepreneur meets someone who is in a high state. „I never told Mr Sulík that he was in Marian K at breakfast, but I read it to the President of Parliament where Sulík was at that time,“ said Hrabko, saying that the President of the National Council ( NR) of the SR is the second highest representative of the state.

Tóth and his participation in perception:

Zvyšok článku a diskusia k nemu je možná iba po registrácii:

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Hlasovať o odvolaní M. Šimečku je rizikové a namieste je otázka, či miera rizika je úmerná účelu.

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